26 Reasons You Should Never Get A Tattoo
They’re just awful. (Warning: this post contains irony.)
Yeah, this looks bad. Reeeeeeeal bad.
2. You’ll never get a job with a tattoo.
David Livingston / Jason Merritt / Getty
You’ll be unemployed forever – Lena and Pharrell know what I’m talking about. Good luck surviving!
3. Tattoos aren’t cute.
Literally the uncutest thing I’ve ever seen.
4. Cuteness factor -100.
5. They’re just so unsubtle.
6. This is just the worst.
7. Baring your arms is out of the question now.
8. Someone bring this young man some long sleeves posthaste!
My eyes!!
9. You’re going to regret that when you’re older.
What will your grandchildren say??
10. This tattoo doesn’t transform an ordinary shoulder into something extraordinary at all.
Tattoo by Sasha Unisex / instagram.com
11. You’re going to have to do more than that to impress me!
Humdrum tbh.
12. God gave you perfectly good skin; you shouldn’t mess.
13. Oh, well that’s just great. Your back isn’t boring anymore.
Such a shame.
14. I dunno, tattoos are just a bit tacky.
Stop with the tacky overload!!!! Jeez.
15. Plain bodies are sooo much more interesting.
Nothing to look at here.
16. RIP your arm.
17. Tattoos aren’t interesting.
No sireee.
18. And they definitely aren’t sexy.
Sex-free zone!
19. The world would be a more fun place if tattoos had never been invented.
20. Honestly, the last thing we need is more art in the world.
21. Too much art!!
Stop it.
22. And colour. Colour’s overrated.
No more colour plz – I’m trying to concentrate here.