Dilbert comic strip creator: Hillary Clinton is a ‘pharmacological grab-bag’ Constantly doped up on pharma drug Cocktail
The mainstream media is doing all it can to try to ignore the fact that there is something wrong with Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. The woman can’t go a week during her campaign without, at some point, coughing her head off.
In recent days The American Thinker published a piece by Thomas Lifson noting the phenomenon, how frequent it is, and posing questions as to what could be the problem.
“Hillary Clinton, who suffered a brain injury so severe that it affected her vision for weeks, is also suffering from a secret malady that causes fits of coughing in public. If nothing else, this constitutes a readymade face-saving excuse for her to drop out (or be pushed out) of her sinking ship presidential campaign,” he wrote.
Naturally, the liberal mainstream media, which has gone out of its way, above and beyond, to protect President Obama (from a lousy economy; from poor employment figures; from incoherent foreign policy; for making stupid deals with enemies and then lying about it, etc.), is now attempting to do the same for Clinton.
Trump no ‘medical cyborg’
In late April the Washington Post attempted to paint anyone who dared to ask why it is Clinton has such coughing fits as conservative conspiracy nuts.
Naturally, that’s absurd. What is even more absurd is for the Post and other left-wing media has-beens to suggest it is not an issue. But wait, there’s more, as they say on late-night infomercials.
Top news aggregator Matt Drudge hit upon a distinct possibility other than the brain injury. He seems to think Clinton is so hopped up on medications as to be incoherent at times (which explains her low-energy campaign). See his tweets on this subject here.
And he’s not alone. Scott Adams, the brain and talent behind the hit comic series “Dilbert” – someone who also correctly predicted that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump would rise to the top of the once-crowded Republican field – wrote on his personal blog that Clinton’s use of Big Pharma and alcohol make her thought processes much more suspect than a very coherent, if brusque, Trump.
He wrote that he believes Clinton is “part human, part pharmacological grab-bag,” while Trump – who doesn’t drink alcohol and has never taken drugs – is “not a chemical cyborg with a personality that is driven by big pharma.”
‘We have no way to know’
He also observed:
Trump doesn’t drink. He never has. He doesn’t take illegal drugs either. He’s the same guy at night that he is in the morning. He’s not a chemical cyborg with a personality that is driven by big pharma.
Clinton, on the other hand, is part human, part pharmacological grab-bag. Her personality is at least partly determined by whatever cocktail of meds and wine are in her system at any given moment. In ?other words, she is just like most adults. Our personalities are the product of the drugs in our system, for better or for worse.
Do you make the same decisions when you are tired? Do you make the same decisions when you’re angry, depressed, or in pain? Probably not. So if meds are fixing those conditions, those meds are also controlling your decisions. And that introduces risk.
Trump brings with him all the risks of being Trump, but he does seem to be the same person every day. Clinton brings with her all the risks of being Clinton, plus any extra risks from a glass of wine or doctor-prescribed meds. That risk could be nearly nothing. Or not. We have no way to know.
For certain, we know about Clinton’s head injury. We know she’s taken prescription blood thinners since 1998, due to a history of blood clots. And at least one health care professional, talk host Dr. Drew Pinsky, says her blood thinner (Coumadin) regimen is out of the ordinary.
Nevertheless, her physician and the national press have certified she is fit and ready to serve as president. No hype there.