Why Black Tea Contains Cancer Causing Chemicals, But Green Tea Prevents Cancer
(NaturalNews) After hearing my podcast below, you’ll never drink black tea again. That’s because black tea is just burned green tea, and during this burning, all the health protecting antioxidants are destroyed (oxidized).
That’s what “burning” is from a chemistry point of view: the rapid oxidation of matter under conditions of high heat, resulting in an exothermic reaction that produces even more heat. What’s left behind in black tea is cancer-causing chemicals that have a unique flavor and taste but can compromise your health. They’re just as bad for your health as other burned food items such as charred meats or burned toast.
I’m the author of the new book Food Forensics, and I’m the lab science director of a $1.5 million food analytics laboratory where we test foods for heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride and more. This year, I’ll be testing popular tea products for their composition and reporting those results publicly.
The bottom line? If you like to drink tea, ditch black tea and start consuming GREEN TEA instead. (But make sure you get it from reputable sources.)