Alien Archons Linked to Abduction
A witness has claimed that he was abducted by alien Archons in Quintana Roo, Mexico in 2012. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 20 Nov, 2014.
The witness begins the report by saying that he was washing his car on the night of the incident. He then describes how he was frightened by the neighbor’s cat and could not sleep in the night. After that, he tells us what he saw when he tried to sleep.
“I could not sleep but the way of what I saw was tall skinny it was a color like the colour of translucent white but transparent plastic at a time”
The witness then says that the incident happened to him a while back before he moved to Chetumal, Quintana Roo. He also describes another dream which felt very realistic to him.
“I had an awful dream which was so clear that it looked like a memory, that memory I was at my sister’s game in which I attended in June this year and at some point that ended the game.”
He talks about seeing a ship floating in the sky.
“I stared the sky a ship floating on top of the dome and the nave was pulling as if they would control gravity light cables as if they were elastic suspenders and when pulling only saw lightning blinding.”
He then describes the alien beings he encountered.
“I get up around 4 am and see two of them I saw two of them in my room, one high and one smaller with the same characteristics of the first one I saw a few years ago and gave me a sleep paralysis for the scare he gave me.”
He further describes his experience of sleep paralysis.
“The first time I had a paralysis of sleep was in June when I get to work at 4 in the afternoon directly to take a nap was when I got only managed to open one eye and saw a huge black shadow as if it was hooded at the foot of my bed and there experience the worst paralysis sleep.”
He then describes how he could not sleep for a while after the incident.
“After that day I have five days of no sleep and two days ago on the morning I took a photo with my dog on my phone and back in the reflection of the glass in my door you can see the face of the little creature.”
He finally describes his reaction to these incidents.
“The only thing I want is to know what you want from me! I’m being crazy, no one believes this.
The above quotes were edited for clarity.
The archons are demonic alien beings from other dimension which were mentioned in the ancient Pagan Gnostics. They tend to “appear in Threes” (reference: and are believed to steal human souls.
Archons are in turn an extension of the ‘Demiurge’ which Dr. John Lash also described from Pagan Gnostic accounts cited on