Find Out Where VAXXED is Playing Near You! The Most Censored Film of 2016 is Now Touring America
If you’ve yet to hear about the film, that’s not odd: It has been pulled from film festivals, dropped from screenings and shut out of venues since it hit the market. That said, slowly but surely its producers are getting the word out with a slow-but-steady stream of screenings in various cities and venues around the country.
Some upcoming screenings include:
— Laemmle’s Monica Film Center – Santa Monica, CA (April 15 – May 5; all day)
— Laemmle’s Claremont – Claremont, CA (April 16 – May 9; all day)
— Emagine Novi 18 – Novi, MI (April 29 – May 5; all day)
— Landmark California Theatre – Berkeley, CA (April 29 – May 5; all day)
— Angelika Film Center & Cafe – Plano, TX (May 6 – May 12; all day)
There are additional venues – in Hawaii and California, to name a few – in the coming days and weeks. Check here to see if VAXXED is coming to your area.
No debate allowed
As we reported in late March, anticipation for the documentary was building in some circles – including De Niro’s inner-circle at Tribeca, as he personally was interested in screening the film because of its information about the link between autism and some vaccines (he has a child with autism). But the corporate media and mainstream medical community applied intense pressure against him and eventually forced him to pull VAXXED.
As Natural News editor Mike Adams, author of the upcoming book Food Forensics, reported at the time:
To try to strong-arm De Niro into pulling the film, intense shaming pressure was brought to bear against Robert De Niro by the vaccine totalitarians, who told De Niro this documentary was so dangerous that no one should ever be allowed to see it. Vaccine safety, they insist, can’t even be allowed to be DEBATED, they insist! Only one side of the debate may be seen by the public, and that one side must be the 100% pro-vaccine side which ridiculously claims that “the science is settled” even when no one is allowed to see the science they don’t want you to see.
“Let’s just find out the truth”
Initially, De Niro attempted to defend his decision to screen the film, mentioning his own child with autism in a statement he released while noting that, in the 15 years of the festival, he’s never requested that a film be screened.
“However,” he said, “this is very personal to me and my family and I want there to be a discussion, which is why we will be screening VAXXED. I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue.”
That conversation never happened – at least, not the conversation De Niro was going for. In a follow-up story, Adams noted that De Niro was clearly pressured to cancel the VAXXED screening – a film which documents the admission of the CDC’s Dr. William Thompson, who admitted taking part in a massive scientific fraud to conceal the truth about vaccines causing autism – even though no one doing the pressuring had actually seen the it.
In mid-April during an appearance on a network TV morning show, De Niro lashed out at medical totalitarians, employing the powers that be to ‘let the people see VAXXED’ and judge for themselves.
He added that it’s time “to find out the truth, let’s just find out the truth.”
Check to see if VAXXED is coming to your area here.