The Dos and Don’ts of Playing an Online Poker Tournament
Online Poker is one of the most popular games amongst casino players, both new and experienced alike. At an online casino, you can find a range of Poker games, with different variations, table limits, and buy-ins to suit players of all budgets and interests, and providing you with the ultimate Poker experience. You could even take part in an exciting and competitive online Poker tournament.
But when playing an online Poker tournament – whether that’s a Sit & Go or a Multi-Table – as well as having some sort of strategy in place before you play, there are also some tips you should follow to make sure you get the most out of the Poker game. Let us run through some of them for you now!
1. Do play at a trusted site
Before you even begin playing any form of Poker game or tournament, it’s best practice to play at a trusted online casino such as To ensure that your money and personal details are safe and secure, and you are confident to play online, the only register to play at a licensed and regulated online casino.
2. Do have patience
Be prepared to spend some time at an online Poker tournament, as well as for a rollercoaster of emotions – from rising tension to elated wins. You have to be especially patient for a Multi-Table version, as these tend to have larger prize pools and longer durations spent playing. A low buy-in, big field online tournament could take several hours to complete, as a virtually unlimited number of participants can take part, and as the players are knocked out one-by-one until the number of tables is slowly reduced to the final one. So, you must be aware of this long time of gameplay before registering for a Poker event like this.
3. Don’t disconnect during the game
This follows on nicely from the fact that you should be patient during an online Poker tournament, as you may be tempted to disconnect from the game. However, it’s important to see it out to the end, as if you disconnect, you will immediately be sat out of the game. You’ll still be dealt a hand, but it will be instantly folded, and play continues without you.
4. Don’t try to pull off elaborate bluffs
For an online poker tournament, it’s best to keep things simple. Trying to run an elaborate bluff doesn’t quite work in the same way for an online format, compared to one in real-life, especially as other players do not tend to see your facial expressions and reactions – likewise, you aren’t able to see theirs.
In such a wide-spread tournament of players, most people are focused on their own hand, so won’t react to your actions that you have a particular hand, or that you’re trying to represent that you have specific cards.
But when you do have a good hand, make sure to make the most of it. At a low-stake poker tournament, you can allow yourself to bet a bit more, as opponents are most likely to call your bets. So, if you have a strong holding, make sure to take full advantage of this.
5. Don’t worry about having a ‘balanced’ playing style
For a large field, small stake online Poker Tournament, there’s no need to balance your play – like you would when playing against stronger opponents for higher stakes, varying your best and actions so as not to be read as easily. Especially because of its online format and its vast nature of lower-skilled players, there is no need to worry about revealing a pattern in your play, such as always betting more when you have a stronger hand. But most importantly, remember to have fun with it and play responsibly.