Homing’s In March 26-April 4, 2021
Face it, you’re itching to get out. With more museums, galleries, move theaters, bars and restaurants opening, you’re allowed. Mask up, get out, have fun.
A.C.T. Out Loud
New virtual play reading series: Alice Childress’s Trouble in Mind (Mar. 29, 6pm); G.B. Shaw’s Arms and the Man (April 12, 6pm); Thornton Wilder’s The Matchmaker April 26, 6pm. $5-$50. https://www.act-sf.org/
Bechtel Fest 8
Chicago’s Broken Nose Theatre company presents a series of online plays; the annual festival of new short plays features an ensemble of femme, female-identifying, non-binary, trans and queer actors talking about things other than men; free, thru March 26. https://brokennosetheatre.com/
Broadway on AirBnB
Promotional-sponsored performances by a variety of talents: Tittus Burgess, cast members from Moulin Rouge, Mrs. Doubtfire, and more, plus dance, yoga, tarot and circus classes. $10-$50. www.airbnb.com
Broadway Performers
For Broadway fans, Tony-winning performers perform new concerts, and classic shows are streamed as well. https://www.broadwayworld.com/
Creatives in Place
Online storytelling listening project and virtual gallery for a variety of Bay Area artists and activists participating in mid-pandemic work. creativesinplace.org
Different Stars
Musical show with a current theme: How do these emotions collide during time spent alone in quarantine? When James opens a box of artifacts from his first breakup, after months of self-isolation during COVID-19, he reckons with memories that haunt him of a first queer love gone awry; starring James Jackson, Jr., Victoria Huston-Elem, Danielle Buonaiuto, and Karl Saint Lucy. https://www.differentstars.live/
The Flats
Produced by the Aurora Theatre Company; three episodes of a collaboration between top Bay Area playwrights Lauren Gunderson, Cleavon Smith and Jonathan Spector. A single ticket covers all three segments, which focus on the diverse residents of a Berkeley triplex who find themselves sheltering-in-place due to a mysterious threat. $20. www.auroratheatre.org
From Broadway to Hollywood
42nd Street Moon’s online streams of various shows. https://42ndstmoon.org/
The Gaze: No Homo
LA’s Fountain Theatre presents Larry Powell’s play series of twelve short-form episodes produced through artistic protest in support of Black Lives. examines the process of building culturally specific and queer works of color in historically white spaces. New episodes each Friday. https://www.fountaintheatre.com/now-upcoming/the-gaze