5 Reasons to Hire an Agora Books Montreal Publicist For Marketing
Writing is a mentally draining task but indie writers in Montreal and elsewhere soon realize that they have to do more work in promoting their book. The goals of every author may differ slightly. Some just want to make money selling their intellectual property, others to make enough sales to attract traditional publishers and deals or sell foreign rights. Notwithstanding your goal, you need to sell your book for it to become a reality and this is where a publicist comes in.
Making huge sales is almost impossible without a publicist. A publicist act as a link between you and the media. Publicists build their career creating a strong bond with radio hosts, magazine editors, television stations, and bloggers and will pitch your story or book to these contacts. Not every publicist has a good media influence. However, if you are looking for book publicists with many years of experience and influence in the industry, try Agora Books publicists. Below are the ways Agora Books publicists in Montreal can help your marketing goals.
1. Pitch your book in a way you never can
There are things you are not ethically allowed to say about yourself or your product when pitching it to the media. For authors, one of such things is, “This is the best book written on this subject matter”. Such a claim would need a third party validation or they might be treated as plain arrogance. Every author has a weakness but Agora Books Montreal publicists have a way of presenting your weakness so that it seems like a strength.
2. Give you time for other activities
Assuming you are a prolific writer that churns out two to three books each year, you wouldn’t want to spend your time following up the media. You will definitely need time to write your next book or polish the one you have written. Spending time on marketing can limit your writing prowess by a great deal.
3. Reach media that you never thought about
When indie authors are designing a marketing plan, all their focus is usually to get the attention of the big media. Julie Schoerke said, “It makes me sad when someone comes to us who has spent hours, days, weeks building a list of media contacts. We can go through our contact files, pull lists, and think of media that wouldn’t necessarily come to mind…in a fraction of the time that it takes you.”
4. Single out your book from the crowd
According to the Bowker Report released in 2016, there are over 1 million books published annually. Getting your book to stand out in the highly saturated market seems almost impossible without the help of someone within the industry.
5. Established book publicists are highly connected
Seasoned publicists like Agora Books publicists in Montreal with over two decades of experience can get you an exemption if you miss your deadline or your publication date has been moved up. They also have a way of getting you into book festivals even when your advance reader copies may not be ready.