Feeding Your Happiness: 4 Food That Prevents Depression
As science and research progress, we continue to enlarge our knowledge about mental health and depression. This new information helps us to take care of important but small details. Details such as the food we eat every day.
Did you know there are some foods that help you enhance your mental health?
Specifically, omega-3 and folate rich food serve as natural antidepressants.
According to a study made by Peter Rogers, people with a depression diagnosis have a deficiency in particular compounds and vitamins. Fortunately, there are several natural sources to fight back this deficiency.
When properly integrated into the daily diet, these vitamins and compounds can help reducing the need of synthetic antidepressants. Thus, preventing the effects of negative side effects.
A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that tryptophan, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, and other B vitamins may lessen negative moods in depressed people. The study also indicates that diet, exercise, and sleep quality, are important factors to be taken into consideration when determining effective ways of improving your mood and of taking care of mental health.
But which foods contain this components? Here’s a list to follow if you want to keep your mood on point by natural means:
In addition to being rich in omega-3 fatty acids and folate, asparagus has fibre, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamin K.
The combination of the components contained in asparagus is great to reduce the possibilities of developing depression. Principally, folate prevents the accumulation of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that forms in your body. In excess, it can block your bloodstream and nutrients from flowing properly to the brain. It can also reduce the production of the three most important hormones in keeping you happy: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
Homocysteine’s interference with these hormones deteriorates sleep, mood, and appetite.
Eating asparagus on a continuous basis will help you prevent all of this. Besides, asparagus can be eaten in many different ways, so adding it up to your diet shouldn’t be a problem.
Generally speaking, fish are filled with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). PUFA are fundamental in brain functioning. PUFA like Omega-3 fatty acids are present in many different types of fish such as salmon, herring, and anchovies.
When talking about folate and fatty acids, spinach is a champion in both.
Low levels of folate have been found to be linked to increases in tendencies of suffering depressive episodes and rises on their recurrence over time. Just like with fish and omega-3, there are several green leafy vegetables with high levels of folate.
Spinach, however, is one of the best ways to acquire folate. Whether cooked or raw, adding spinach to your meal will help enhance your mood.
Easy to eat, tasty, and with great amounts of omega-3 and folate, walnuts are an outstanding choice for your mental health. It’s a very practical snack that you can include in your day-to-day.
Not only they’re easy to eat alone, but you can also use them to give a special touch to foods like desserts or baked goods. In this way you will keep your mood in order while enjoying a delicious meal.
Something to take into consideration when buying any of the items of this list is to choose organic. Organic food will maximize the benefits mentioned before while averting dangerous chemicals. Don’t forget to ask a nutritionist before making important changes to your diet.
Remember that old-fashioned advices like eating well, exercising regularly, and sleeping well are very important factors in taking care of your mental health. Now that you know, though, it may be time to add some mackerel with spinach to your diet.